I'm beginning to think that there has been subversion brewing since the 2010 election. We know the Republican Party didn't like the Tea Party candidates, but they wanted to wrest control of Congress from the Democrats because they had been effectively neutered.
Isn't it interesting that everyone's (including the old guard republicans ) demonizing the newly elected. They are now being called conservatives (as if it were a dirty word) by their own House members. Could it be because it was the intention all along( if they could not be swayed to join the dark side) to demonize them, paint them as extremist: discredit them so that Republican's and Democrats could get back to business as usual. You know lining their own pockets, padding their resume's with pork and voting themselves yearly raises and benefit packages.
Since when did having principles, standing strong for those you represent, and having the courage of your convictions become a bad thing?
I believe if this situation (if analyzed) could reveal the republican's were behind Obamacare all along. I believe they saw it as the only way out of toting the load on Medicare and Medicaid without offending the poor and the elderly. I believe that parts of that legislation actually went so far past the scorched principles of some in congress at the time that they had to be paid off to make it more palatable (ex: the Nebraska Purchase), some even determined to retire as they could no longer stomach the legislation they were party to passing.
Now we are back in the middle of rhetoric with "A Crisis" situation and we must pass something. There will be arm twisting, cajoling, name calling and (if what we hear about the Boeing/NLRB situation is true) outright threats.
I am proud of those new voices we sent in November. I am proud of people like Jim DeMint, Louie Gomer, Michelle Bachman and others who have been in Washington for years and yet still hold onto their convictions and refuse to compromise them. I thank you all and tell you that while they all are accusing you of being "CONSERVATIVES" I thank you for having backbone and being PATRIOTS who truly love your Republic.
Friday, July 29, 2011
I’m Just Sayin’…
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