Thursday, March 24, 2011

Politico Speak

A Kinetic Military Action
It is another reason to impeach BO. So why are our legislators not taking action? Well, you know, we have to protect these poor people. Well how about us. We're poor people over here . They could have taken what they spent on the tomahawks and gas alone and paid the taxpayer back some of the SS they've stolen from us over the years. Oh I know they didn't steal it...they just borrowed it.
Give me a break..."Kinetic Military Action"?  Do they think we're stupid?  "A military action in motion"?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Have I Fallen Down the Rabbit Hole

We are bombing a leader no one knows how to spell his name, on a decision made by a man no one really knows who he is to defend a foreign policy so convoluted that we declare a man an enemy,suspect him of being behind the bombing of an aircraft then shake his hand, set up shop in his dictatorship and give him foreign aid.  I find myself(a staunch conservative with libertarian leanings) agreeing with Dennis Kucinich, Ralph Nader and Alan Colmes.  The only explanation I can come up with is that I've fallen down the rabbit hole.  It gets curiouser and curiouser.
Our leader(that no one really knows who he is) has a tendency to escape to South American nations every time there is a controversial decision to be made.  He was in Latin America when it was announced the controversial Clean Air Act was passed on April 17, 2009.  That piece of job killing, natural resource crippling legislation that we all loved and held dear.  You know the one where business' carbon emissions can be taxed, but there is a surprising lack of enforcement against our own wasteful government whose carbon footprint makes everyone else's look like fairy foot prints.
Now he's in Latin America whooping it up with the Brazilians when he commits our military resources to a Libyan attack without bothering to get congressional approval.
No one comprehends the expense of these operations.  Changing the theatre from Iraq to Afghanistan or even supporting a theatre can figure nearly a quarter of a billion dollars in one day of contract awards from the DOD.  The missile's, the fuel, the loss of equipment are all ongoing expenses in an engagement.  Then there are the American lives put at risk.  Always the last considered and yet the greatest potential for loss that should ever be considered and one that should be put above all others.  The immaturity of this President becomes evident when we have planes go down in Libya.  Despite the total disregard for our Constitution in skirting congress' approval, is he really prepared to accept the responsibility for the potential loss of American lives in this action?  If lives are lost he and Hillary will jointly share the responsibility for those lives, because they rushed into this action and did not consult congress.
Obama is the self proclaimed King of America.  He refuses to enforce our laws based on his and members of his administrations ideology and gambles with American lives and jobs as if they were his toys and there is no congressional leadership to force him to abide by our constitution.  Boehner seems to think all he has to do is make an attempt to curb spending and he has done all that is needed.
I find myself aligning with the likes of Kucinich, Nader and Colmes when they are the only ones demanding that this union-puppet king be brought to task for his actions. 
We have all fallen down the rabbit hole and every minute we hold our breath waiting for the next shoe to drop.  I'm tired of it.  If he cannot abide by our law then he must be impeached.  There is no other way to return to sanity or the rule of law that is our Constitution.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

When did the hero switch hats?

Happy St. Patrick's Day.  I'm surprised liberal New Yorker's still celebrate the day the Catholic priest drove the snakes (pagans) from Ireland.  It is (after all) Christian related.  Still it was a great time in Irish history and a time when hero's still wore white hats which brings me to the point of today's blog. 
I'm watching FOX this morning and they show a bunch of River dancers in front of the studio dressed in black riot gear with black skull helmets on in celebration of St. Patrick's Day.  Now this is not my idea of what should greet me on t.v. on this particular day.  The title of the riot gear/skull helmet exhibition was "Defending Ireland."  Okay.  I get it now, but that made me think, "When did the hero switch hats?"
When did the hero stop showing up in shining white armor that blinded the enemy(remember Gandalf in LOR The Two Towers appearing on the morning of the fifth day dressed in white with white hair flowing and the blinding white light of the moring sun behind him) to drive back the black hat wearing evil doers? 
I understand that law enforcement often don black riot gear to "appear" more formidible and threatening to give the perpetrator pause.  I also understand that the military at times choose the black gear in order to dissappear under the cover of darkness.  These are definately the "good" guys.  There are reasons they dress this way.  Just as there are reasons large people wear slims. The Goth subculture favors black clothing, nails, etc. because it sets them apart and makes them easily identifiable and possibly because it slims.  Black is a warm color and an excellent neutral.  It can also be very dramatic when paired with white or red, but it is very difficult to associate black with a "good" feeling or with a hero or savior.
I think this fits with the trend in recent years for literary, film and television anti-hero's.  You know the one's.  The firefighter who saves lives and buildings while destroying himself and his loved ones with his alcoholism.  The doctor who brings lives back from the brink with his uncanny diagnostic skills while pushing himself over the edge with an illegal and unprofessional addiction.  Even criminals are often glorified like the hired killer who ends up sacrificing himself in order to save a little girl he's befriended.  Have we reached the point where there are no truly heroic "white hat" types?  You know the ones that make the right descisions even when it's not the easy one.  The one's whose heroic deeds are truly an extension of their upright/moral personal lives.
Everyone knows immagery is a powerful tool.  Black is the color of death.  It is the color of mourning, loss, regret, sorrow, depression, anger and (yes) evil.  If we're going to dance in celebration of a hero's battle against the evil serpent (pagans) shouldn't we be wearing a costume that symbolizes good rather than evil?  When did we lower our standards?  When did we decide it's okay to be good with a pinch of bad or redeem a lifetime of murder by saving one life?  Shouldn't we all be trying to wear white hats rather than telling ourselves and our children dirty gray or black is okay?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Could it Be?

I was listening to the news the other night and heard coverage of the rebels in Libya.  These were guys in the areas that the rebels have supposedly taken control of.  What I found interesting (and believe me I was not rivited by the report I was actually fixing dinner at the time) was when I heard one rebel speaking and it caught my attention that his English was as good as mine.  That's when I put aside what I was doing and actually watched the report.  This man didn't look middle eastern and he certainly didn't sound middle eastern.   He looked as American as I and his diction was actually far better than mine, because I am a Texan with a cajun slur thrown in.  So over the next few days I began to pay closer atention to these reports.  Once again I personally saw and heard a rebel who did not look like any of the other rebels he was with and he did not sound like the rebels he was with.
Today I saw a report where the rebel actually identified himself as an expatriated Libyan who had been living in the Netherlands or something (I think he said Amsterdam) and he had come home to help his people.  I did not doubt him.  That's okay.  That's a good thing.  What concerns me is are there Progressive, Marxist, Socialist, Communist Americans sticking their noses into the affairs of these people?
I don't know.  I'm just asking, "Could it be?"